4 Stunning Flower Combinations for the Shade
There’s plenty of opportunity for gorgeous color in the shade. Potted plants that feature Beacon Impatiens® can certainly be center stage on your light-lacking patio. Check out these four stunning examples of flower combos with Beacon Impatiens that are made for the shade!
Combo recipe #1:
Beacon Impatiens in Lipstick
Rivulet® Begonia Boliviensis in Orange
Jurassic Jr.™ Begonia Rex in Arctic Twist
Alsocasia Stingray
Cissus discolor
This combo is a colossus. Created for a space that begs to be filled with mammoth color and height.
Combo recipe #2:
Fun and vibrant, this combination of plants stands tall with colorful blooms to take in the shade.
Combo recipe #3:
Beacon Impatiens in Lipstick
Jurassic Megalo™ Begonia Rex in Reptile
FuzzyFern™ Frizz Asparagus
Betulia Begonia in Red
Tradescantia Purple Heart
Double up on color in the shade with two coordinating flowerpots that can be filled with tons of brightness for that shady spot in your garden.
Combo recipe #4:
Beacon Impatiens in Bright Red
BabyWing® Begonia Bronze Leaf in White
Dichondra Emerald Falls
Jurassic Jr. Begonia Rex in Berry Swirl
Anthurium Fire Glow
Take a large and shiny mosaic-type container to reflect the mounds of color of Beacon Impatiens in this flower combination.